Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Little update.

Did I just waste my 100th post on some cleaning update?:D I think I did! Oh well let's make this 101st then better post!

Move in is OH MY GOD 3 DAYS!!! I'm not gonna make it. After work I'm too tired, before work I'm sleeping. There's no time! Ok enough with that panic. It's gonna be alright, I wish. I also have to do some shopping on friday because saturday I got work and right after that moving in! Damn!

So here's an outfit. This winter I loved and still do love this coat so much!


Bought that coat last year or before that, not sure, on Nelly.com discount. Got it both in red and green and I love it! It's light as feather, colors are so alive and pretty and it's warm comfy coat! With a hood! It's girly cute and it's all what I could ask for in a coat! So thank you Jeane Blush for putting this cutie on sale!<3

This green one I got as an M size and red one is S. Will show some day the red one aswell!:)

Saturday, 26 January 2013

It's gonna whole second Hiroshima here soon

I really really tried my best to clean this place while being busy with work all the time and still trying to spend time with family and doing my best that Jimmy is happy. Well now that I got 1 week left till we are moving with boyfriend. Yeah he is actually willing to move in despite he knows that my apartment looks like a dumpster because when I can't find something I just throw all to floor and then just let it be there because I hate cleaning. I love living in clean enviroment, but I hate cleaning.
This one day, I was like this is it I will today clean a lot! But after like 5mins of cleaning, I felt dizzy and I had to lie down and tadah I fell asleep! Yeah even my body is against cleaning! So I woke up about 4hrs later and then it was already 10pm so I was like: I can't clean that late, neighbours gonna complain about the noise. So yeah that day I didn't clean. Suprised? I'm not.
I'm really sure that when bf gets here he will faint and when he gets back up, he will faint again. This place is disaster. And I'm not even gonna show. So HA! have fun imaging. Your imagination can't even get close to it. So now I informed that I'm still alive aaaaaaaaaaand I hope my bf will be alive too. I hope!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Quiet month

I'm extremly sorry but I must have a quiet time now. I'm having too much things to deal with whole January that I simply I have no chance to write anything. I'm already about to have a burn out with all these things.... I wish you all a great year and I'll get back whenever I can. I try to write once a week or once every 2 weeks. If I can!