It's friday yes. But for me and Jim it's GARLIC-A-TON!<3 Friday always means yummy food with garlic! Well not always but most of the time. Actually we have garlic pretty much daily. But but friday is like dedicated to garlic!
For past weeks it's been potato chips and garlic dip or salads and garlic dressing. But not today!
Today we had (well Jim just mostly had cauliflower):
Hot garlic chicken wings and cauliflower in butter
And this is extremly simple to make! I feel so proud of my amazing cooking skills *cough cough* when eating this<3
All you need is:
- 550g hot wings (gotta cheat when you can!)
- 4 garlic cloves (you can use more or less or not at all if you want to be crazy...)
- 800g cauliflower (not important how much you use but this is how much I had)
- a bit of butter, I used around 3-4 tbsp.
- a bit of salt, I used 1 tbsp (I'm sorry! I love salt so much!)
- ½ cup of water (or else it's too hot for me, you can leave it out :P)
This takes only 30-40mins, depends how organized you are.
And this is a amazing way to make kids eat cauliflower! When mom made me cauliflower with butter first time, I have ever since that loved cauliflower even as a fresh. Thought before it was one of those yuck whats that - things.I gotta admit all 3 kids been fooled with buttered cauliflower. We all eat it now and love it. Gotta love mom, who fooled us so damn well!
Also this is good way to introduce hot food to a kid because the water removes some of the hotness and if you have rice with this chicken, that water will work as a sauce <3 I'm like a kid when it comes to hot food. I can't stand it. But somehow this meal is one of my favourites of selfmade meals. I really make no sense.....

Put chicken into casserole, add the water and squeezed garlic cloves and put it into oven. You can find on chicken package the required heat and how long will it take. Mine was 250c and 20mins. Here's a perfect example how bad I am at these things.. Oh well I doubt I'm only one this bad. Ok fine I hope I'm not only one! Chop the cauliflower into a bit smaller bits and throw them into boiling water. You should have water enough to cover cauliflower. Try with fork once awhile if the cauliflower is soft. Once it's soft put it into bowl that already has a bit of butter with a bit salt. On the top add the rest of butter and salt. Then just mix it till butter is evenly all over the cauliflower and now just wait for the chicken. Once both are ready then tadah that's your meal!
I personally love this meal! You don't really need rice or potatoes or something like that. For me that cauliflower works perfectly. <3
Enjoy whoever dares to make this! :P