Friday, 31 January 2014
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Changing of the season
It's been for awhile autumn here but today it truly hit me. During morning jog I couldn't avoid noticing how colorful all trees were and how beautiful everything looked. I find that splash of colors just breathtaking!
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Jim loves autumn a lot more than other seasons. Summer is too hot. During winter and spring he has to run in snow. He doesn't like getting paws into snow much. Always rushes home then. Thought he does like snow in some ways. Snow is fun to run in but dont like the cold nor ice. He is silly. <3
He is a little curious kid. Always sticking his nose everywhere and if it wasn't good idea then rush to me and puppy look with "pls help".
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Have you ever worn something before checking if it's fine? Like taken random shirt and put it on then noticing later that it has stain on it or worse, a hole?
Well I was running late to work so grabbed the first jeans I saw on my way hanging, drying from last nights wash. I put them on and ran off to work.
Yup that's the suprise in subway then when it's too late to go back. So if anyone asks these are acid washed and meant to look like this!
Btw: these are only ones that got this sexy washtextures. And ofcourse I had to take these then.. of all the clean ones that dont have these... Thanks a lot fate!
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Monday, 7 October 2013
Taste of water
Ugh ewww
Everyone keeps telling me that I'm insane as water has no taste. But it has! I can't describe but taste of water is disgusting! It's so bad. Also after drinking there's this awkward taste in mouth!
Hence the daily necessary water drinking is hard for me. But it's still a must. I have now been months without drinking water which is not a good thing at all. So starting from tomorrow I plan to drink daily 1,5l. But I also have reason to do so which will be fully own post.
So water has a taste that changes with it's source, atleast for me. Does anyone else experienced this too?
Saturday, 5 October 2013
If this is a dream...
Let this be a slight reality check on things that must be taken care off by the end of this year. Kind of a checklist on things that I can't fail at for sake of my sanity. Nah I won't go crazy but will be rly saaad if I won't succeed. So completing this will keep me happy! :p
- Eat healthy with occasion guilty pleasures.
- Workout every day.
- Keep Jim healthy, happy and fit.
- Sell clothes you don't use anymore abd I got a lot of them due losing weight.
- Keep your family and boyfriend happy.
- Visit grandma more.
- Finish apartments interior.
- Have fun at work.
- More baking, cooking and sewing.
- Smile and enjoy every day.
I got so many things to do that affect my happiness.
My apartment isn't fully ready due renovation, missing shelves, breaking mirror etc. Being there just makes me feel tired. Things arent my way so I'm nonstop thinking how to solve or fasten it up.
Skipping jog in the morning, I'll be grumpy whole rest of the day. Also it will make me worry if skipping will become a habit.
Losing weight caused me to have lots of loose clothes. I got from medium to extra small. Many jeans are way too big, some look fine with belt. So I got insane job on trying on all and selling them. I see no reason in just throwing them away.
So this list will work to me as reminder so no more excuses! :p
What makes you happy? Is there things you avoid doing thought you know you should do it?
Yummy Friday
Nothing beats a friday that has sushi, chocolate, smoothie, daim cake and a good movie(thought I fell asleep in 15mins of starting movie, not movie's fault!!!).
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Yup I'm on stright diet. :p Well last night I decided that when I again feel like having something fast and easy I'll just stop by at next doors Rice Garden and grab a sushi. Way healthier, easier and a lot more delicious than grabbing pack of chips, pizza or a hot dog! I was amazed how cheap Rice Garden was and their sushi was really good! Definately recommending it.
I guess I have never told that I just looooooove sushi. I never been really into Mcdonalds, Pizza hut and such. But sushi I love madly. It tastes way better. And talk about variety of your dish! It's a plate of pleasure on each bite and it fills your belly after eating just few. Miso soups is also really delicious!
As a coke glasses collector I must admit that I loyally went to Mcdonalds for every glass and ate a big meal. It was disgusting, so horrible. I remembered it was bad, but didn't remember it was THAT bad! It had awkward extra taste, which I still haven't figured out. Probably something in their sauce or mayo? All you could taste was just grease. Everything was so tasteless. When I took bite I couldn't taste the beef or lettuce, not even cheese! And I think my tastebuds work just fine. Fries were like crispy greasesticks.
I guess it's because when you mostly just eat veggies, fruits and your daily fat comes from nuts, yogurth, fried eggs etc, you just stop liking taste of fried fat. It will disgust you as your body is adapted to different food.
Oh and that smooothie was sooooo delicious! I so wanna get myself a blender so I can start making smoothies! So can't wait! Deliciouuuuus!
Friday, 4 October 2013
Meatless month
Alrighty I been quiet again for awhile, but I'm back now! :) I'm starting my returnal with as usual to me, with ranting. I just sooooo love ranting. But I'm good at it and I don't run out of rants! ;D I could call it a talent which I have had since my first words as a kid.
Anyways back to the topic. This month here started challenge here that anyone can join. Challenge is to try to survive this month without eating any meat. The purpose of it is ofcourse to reduce pollution, so global warming thing. But I also view this as healthy thing. Especially after hearing how much average person consumes meat per day and a year. Which was I-N-S-A-N-E. I hope my hearing let me down, because it's madness to eat so much and no wonder if so many people are overweight! Since it also gave a clue of our huge portionsizes. We should eat 1/3th of how much we eat.
This challenge opened my eyes of my eating habits, thought I'm not even participating in it. Now that ofcourse raises a question why I'm even writing about this then. Because I challenge you all to check your plate, what do you eat! How much do you consume? Is it too much? What's your daily meals consisting of? This is a great way to make a change in your diet to more healthier life. BUT in my opinion as meatless month but reduced meat month. Unless you are this type of person that needs to shock yourself by going fully 0 meat to be able to cut down meat consumption.
So lets get to details or should I say numbers. When challenge was announced it was also told that average person eat 78 kg a year. That doesn't much in a way. If we think that we eat in a year as much as we weight. But unfortunately that's 6,5 kg a month, 1,6 kg a week, 232 grams A DAY. Weekly we should consume 300-500grams. So we are pretty much eating a lot more meat than needed.
So I went throught my diet. I kept track of my eating to see how I'm doing and overally is my diet healthy. I did get enough of everything in my diet so no wonder this has been so easy for me to stick to this. I ate how my body told me, in other words what I felt like eating. No restrictions, no light or reduced fat/sugar products(ewwwwww). My breakfast always happened to be yogurth with fruits or boiled eggs or omlett and coffee or tea. Snacks and lunch I have at work so its oatmeal and fruits or just fruits, sometimes tuna with rye bread. At home I snack on nuts and raisins if I still felt like snacking. I drink tea at work and at home. At home in the evening I have cup of milk or soymilk with dinner. Usually dinner is a salad or wok. But if I feel like having spring rolls or lasagne or salmon pasta, I'll have it. To not make this post just talk, heres few meal pics.
Rare breakfast as I never have bread or cheese at home. :p
Worklunch with blueberry vanilla oatmeal muffin.
Lunch at work.
Dinner chickensalad.
Dinner at parents. First pic ratatouille, second has potato, mayo and nuggets with ketchup. Not my usual dinner.
So my eating has quite low amount of meat and I'm doing great. Afterall I stand on my legs whole day and run 1h a day. I consume around 300gr a week. Yearly I consume 14,5-19kg. So that's why I didn't feel like I need to reduce my meathabits.
How about you? Any thoughts about meatless month? :)
Btw: autumn smells like fresh banana :/ I might been eating too much of bananas...
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Little update.
Did I just waste my 100th post on some cleaning update?:D I think I did! Oh well let's make this 101st then better post!
Move in is OH MY GOD 3 DAYS!!! I'm not gonna make it. After work I'm too tired, before work I'm sleeping. There's no time! Ok enough with that panic. It's gonna be alright, I wish. I also have to do some shopping on friday because saturday I got work and right after that moving in! Damn!
So here's an outfit. This winter I loved and still do love this coat so much!
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Move in is OH MY GOD 3 DAYS!!! I'm not gonna make it. After work I'm too tired, before work I'm sleeping. There's no time! Ok enough with that panic. It's gonna be alright, I wish. I also have to do some shopping on friday because saturday I got work and right after that moving in! Damn!
So here's an outfit. This winter I loved and still do love this coat so much!

Bought that coat last year or before that, not sure, on discount. Got it both in red and green and I love it! It's light as feather, colors are so alive and pretty and it's warm comfy coat! With a hood! It's girly cute and it's all what I could ask for in a coat! So thank you Jeane Blush for putting this cutie on sale!<3
This green one I got as an M size and red one is S. Will show some day the red one aswell!:)
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Saturday, 26 January 2013
It's gonna whole second Hiroshima here soon
I really really tried my best to clean this place while being busy with work all the time and still trying to spend time with family and doing my best that Jimmy is happy. Well now that I got 1 week left till we are moving with boyfriend. Yeah he is actually willing to move in despite he knows that my apartment looks like a dumpster because when I can't find something I just throw all to floor and then just let it be there because I hate cleaning. I love living in clean enviroment, but I hate cleaning.
This one day, I was like this is it I will today clean a lot! But after like 5mins of cleaning, I felt dizzy and I had to lie down and tadah I fell asleep! Yeah even my body is against cleaning! So I woke up about 4hrs later and then it was already 10pm so I was like: I can't clean that late, neighbours gonna complain about the noise. So yeah that day I didn't clean. Suprised? I'm not.
I'm really sure that when bf gets here he will faint and when he gets back up, he will faint again. This place is disaster. And I'm not even gonna show. So HA! have fun imaging. Your imagination can't even get close to it. So now I informed that I'm still alive aaaaaaaaaaand I hope my bf will be alive too. I hope!
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This one day, I was like this is it I will today clean a lot! But after like 5mins of cleaning, I felt dizzy and I had to lie down and tadah I fell asleep! Yeah even my body is against cleaning! So I woke up about 4hrs later and then it was already 10pm so I was like: I can't clean that late, neighbours gonna complain about the noise. So yeah that day I didn't clean. Suprised? I'm not.
I'm really sure that when bf gets here he will faint and when he gets back up, he will faint again. This place is disaster. And I'm not even gonna show. So HA! have fun imaging. Your imagination can't even get close to it. So now I informed that I'm still alive aaaaaaaaaaand I hope my bf will be alive too. I hope!
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Sunday, 6 January 2013
Quiet month
I'm extremly sorry but I must have a quiet time now. I'm having too much things to deal with whole January that I simply I have no chance to write anything. I'm already about to have a burn out with all these things.... I wish you all a great year and I'll get back whenever I can. I try to write once a week or once every 2 weeks. If I can!
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Sunday, 23 December 2012
Who is the luckiest person like EVER???!! ME!!!!!
So let's get to that.
I have been working a lot, I have had insomnia for past week, I have been late to work (boss angry, no wonder), phone not working properly, tired, pains, cold. And hey since that wasn't enough my pc been laggy as hell lately and I have had flu now that I got most work ever and no one can replace me! :) YEY!!
Nothing is more fun than 9 hrs at work trying to smile and talk to people while your throat feels like you are swallowing million knives and head feels like balloon full of goo and your nose keeps running like waterfall. I LOVE IT!!!
Also I didn't make to stores I needed to go to before Xmas as they always closed doors right when I got there. :) My perfect luck!
So now gotta go to sleep as I got only 3 hrs to sleep before having to go to work because my pc was too laggy to let me get work finished. So this has been day full of yelling and 15min works extended to 45mins or more... Hurrf*ckingray!
I'll try to post few posts tomorrow before work, I doubt I can make it because I have to bake before leaving home and I got only 2,5hrs to do so :)
So incase there won't be any posts then I wish you all a
Merry f*cking Christmas! I hope you all have a great time!
I know I won't! Tired, sick and no bf here :) Not to mention I can't stand Xmas..... more »
So let's get to that.
I have been working a lot, I have had insomnia for past week, I have been late to work (boss angry, no wonder), phone not working properly, tired, pains, cold. And hey since that wasn't enough my pc been laggy as hell lately and I have had flu now that I got most work ever and no one can replace me! :) YEY!!
Nothing is more fun than 9 hrs at work trying to smile and talk to people while your throat feels like you are swallowing million knives and head feels like balloon full of goo and your nose keeps running like waterfall. I LOVE IT!!!
Also I didn't make to stores I needed to go to before Xmas as they always closed doors right when I got there. :) My perfect luck!
So now gotta go to sleep as I got only 3 hrs to sleep before having to go to work because my pc was too laggy to let me get work finished. So this has been day full of yelling and 15min works extended to 45mins or more... Hurrf*ckingray!
I'll try to post few posts tomorrow before work, I doubt I can make it because I have to bake before leaving home and I got only 2,5hrs to do so :)
So incase there won't be any posts then I wish you all a
Merry f*cking Christmas! I hope you all have a great time!
I know I won't! Tired, sick and no bf here :) Not to mention I can't stand Xmas..... more »
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Like I said: cleaning = mission impossible.
I did manage to somehow make my apartment decent looking yesterday but today returning from work was such a shocker...
Infamous Jim, a insane sock loving dog, decided to carry all my socks into bed. That's not just a few but whole drawer emptied... Ok so since socks weren't enough, he also decided to take all my legwarmers so whole box of legwarmers has been emptied into bed.....Oh well so since that was done and mommy was still at work, Jim decided that heyyyyy why not take all the shoes into bed too!!! So I came back home, found massive pile of things on bed and Jim looking at me like: "Heyyyyyyy you are back! I'm so glad that you are back! Oh....... by the way that wasn't me. Nope definately not me. I don't know what happened to bed."
So my conclusion is that having clean apartment seems like a distant dream. Whenever I get it cleaned, Jim messes it up again.... more »
Infamous Jim, a insane sock loving dog, decided to carry all my socks into bed. That's not just a few but whole drawer emptied... Ok so since socks weren't enough, he also decided to take all my legwarmers so whole box of legwarmers has been emptied into bed.....Oh well so since that was done and mommy was still at work, Jim decided that heyyyyy why not take all the shoes into bed too!!! So I came back home, found massive pile of things on bed and Jim looking at me like: "Heyyyyyyy you are back! I'm so glad that you are back! Oh....... by the way that wasn't me. Nope definately not me. I don't know what happened to bed."
So my conclusion is that having clean apartment seems like a distant dream. Whenever I get it cleaned, Jim messes it up again.... more »
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