During this water diet I'm doing everyday cardio all day long whenever I get few minutes, also I do circuit training and 2x weight training every second day. So Friday was weight training, tomorrow is circuit, sunday weight etc. =) This circuit and weight training has been included today. I want to stay on that track for lets say 4-6 weeks? This is mostly a challenge to myself, since I always change workouts and don't do enough of weight training. It starts on week 34 on friday. Ends on week 41 or 42.
Weight training is time challenge and divided into 2 parts. One weight training consists of 2 exercises and trying to do as much sets of reps that I can in 15min. Today I managed to do WT1 12 sets and WT2 10 sets. Next time I should be able to do 13 and 11(hopefully).
Circuit has 4 exercises, each lasts 15min. I'll be doing 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. So 30min a day. But of 4 exercises I do only 1 during one day.
Everyday cardio can be split into parts. So 8min+12min+20min cardio. Total of cardio is 20+min per day. Morning cardio is required. Sunday is cardio day, 40min!! Tiny reminder: intensive workout burns fat even if you are doing for 4 minutes! :> I'm sweating for half an hour after my 4 minutes workout :P I'll just keep updating this one!
Week 34
- WT1 12
- WT2 9½
- Cardio: morning: 20 min lunch: 4 min evening: 4 min, 12 min.
- Circuit. morning: 15 min evening: 15min
- Cardio: morning: 4 min, 4 min(darn legs hurt a bit >.<, can't squat long enough). I think the walk was enough, so rest of cardio isn't needed.
- Cardio: morning: 4 min lunch: 4 min (yes outside and many people were wondering what I'm up to), did some running and packing= 10min cardio evening: 4 or 8 min. I will try to do 8 min but I won't probably have time for it. :< (I did manage to do 4+4 min ^^)
- Cardio: morning: 4min lunch: 4 min evening: 4 min
- WT1: 12 (this time I made it a bit harder)
- WT2: 10
- Cardio: lunch: 20 min evening: 4min, 4min, 10min.
- Circuit: lunch: 15 min
- Cardio: morning: 6 min lunch: dancing for 30min(I'll count it as 10min cardio; it's intense dancing but not enough :>), 4 min
- WT1: 12½
- WT2: 11 (wooo wooo!! whole 1 more :D)
- 10000 steps walk
I'm badly injured, not from workouts. So all I did was minium of cardio. 10 min a day. Adding 1 more week because of this.
Week 36
- Cardio: morning: 4min
- WT1: 14(!!!!!!! Last time was 12½! What an improved! All I have done is cardio!!)
- WT2: 12
- Cardio: 8min, walking
- Circuit 15min
- Cardio: 4min+dancing, 4 min.
- WT1: 15
- WT2: 13
- Cardio: 10min +dancing. Lot's of walking.
- Circuit: Well I met my nightmare/limit. I can't do Dive Bomber push up's, It's impossible. I sweat A LOT and my arms start shaking, then suddenly they give up. I can do 5 reps, then I'm finito. I managed to do 5+5+5 with 10 sec rest between them and that's it. I can't do more. My arms hurt like never before. I'll just do lots of cardio today. But someday I will manage to do more of bombers.
- Cardio: 12 min(3 exercises: 2 for legs, 1 core.)
- WT today is replaced with butt workouts to keep my body from getting used to WT's. I'll do butt workouts 2 times today, atleast try to. =) I have to complete all together 80 reps of 4 exercises in 4 rounds and then see if next time I'm able to do faster. Who knows when it's next time. :) But I might add here results and compare later with newer ones. Bleh lazy to use stopwatcher.
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40
Week 41
Week 42
Week 43

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