Monday, 26 November 2012

Golden Chain Necklace

I haven't revealed this yet but I LOVE CHAINS! Chain necklaces I think I have the most and then chain bracelets I got just "few"! I love chains! I was so happy when I once got as a gift chain bracelet! It was some cheap made in China(worth probably 0,50-1,50e) but I loved it! And I still love it.
But this is also something I didn't at first like at all despite my chain-love because it reminded me too much of a chains seen on construction side, just in different color. But some celebrities been seen wearing these!

Especially seeing this, I kinda hated it even more. I personally think it look HORRIBLE! Too chunky! Too much! Yuck!

But seeing this one, it was already better but I still don't quite like it! But this is already huge improvement from the one above....

This is the moment I fell for it! It's so classy and yet not too classy! You can use it with any outfit and it will remain stylish! This is when I started to search for one to myself.

BUT this is where the hunt for golden chain link necklace got hard! I didn't know there were this many variations!

There's a DIY how to make it! *clicky clicky*
*Pictures were generously donated by google search :P Clicky!

So as you can see, there's FEW options. I liked the fabric running between chains, the black one seemed nice but would have it rather as golden. Then searching through net stores I stumbled upon this:
Click to buy it!
Fell in love with the bow part<3 So incase I wear this with hair done up(I need bf to do that for me first!) then it would have lovely suprise in the back<3 But ofcourse this ain't perfect for me! As picky as I am I would like a bit thinner and smaller links... So this is my DIY inspiration! :) Gotta search for chains someday!

Ps. Im sorry for being quiet lately few days and not even adding pics to the loading slideshow.... But I have had busy and well bad weekend. Also I'm starting this one new project which takes my time aside from having pile of choirs anyways:/ I'll try to post every 2 days something. Please be patient!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Asos Fashion Finder and outfits

It's been again few breaks since I wrote last time. I been quite busy with many things and when back home, it's too dark to take photos or I look like a zombie.... But today I found this one thing when scrolling around in Asos. I bet this is something everyone has known about and I'm just slow with finding these great things BUT I'm in love with these. There's this fashion finder, where you can make your own outfits with things they got in their database. I love it. I spend whole day today after work doing this.. Because it's been so much fun. And now I can provide outfit pictures without looking like zombie(I again look like zombie today...). So here's outfits I made there. Pictures work as link to the asos site so you can see where to buy things that I chose, so clicky clicky :)

Grey and leopard print combination is something different and yet pretty! :) Also I like that this outfit ain't too leopard but still has kinda a lot of leopard print!
I love that this is classy, girly and yet not too girly. <3
I just love combining gold with many colors and in this case where both burgundy and black are quite dark, the gold makes the outfit more light!

I love all these all outfits and I can imagine myself using these all. How about you? Did you like any of these or they're not your type? Let me know your favourite! :)

Ps. You can expect more of these now that I found this, hehe. Beware ;)

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

I can't wait to go back

I went to Ukrainia to visit my relatives about 2 years or more ago. It was really pleasant to meet them for first time ever! I got such heartwarming welcome from my relatives there and I loved how Ukrainia looked. I visited Kiev for 2 days and rest of the time I spend with relatives either at their village or nearby city. So just to show you guys that I haven't stopped from blogging, I'm making this post as today I really feel like missing going back there. I have had now few busy days so I didn't have time to take new pictures like I originally planned and because today I was looking at pictures from Ukraine trip, I decided that I might aswell share these then! :)

Food there was great, people were nice and there was so many nice things that I would gladly take home with me! Especially I loved that so full of life marketplace! Markerplaces here are deadly boring. Lack the same amazing exciting feeling.

We spend 2 days in Kiev because that's where our plane arrived. So we spend there a day and then went by train to relatives and on our way back we went back to Kiev for a day! Whole traintrip was during night and I loved it! I love old trains!<3 I'm really mad for old trains.

In this lovely "Old mill" we had amazing meals <3 Totally recommend to anyone who walks by!

Helloo there beautiful<3 Love that train! There's one poor doggy running on trainstation! :/

All buildings there were so beautiful<3

Mom told me that it's still that same boat on which she was as a kid! How amazing is that?

View from that boat

View onto lake or whatever it was from a hill.

"Love Island", it had something to do with couples and love, which I no longer remember :/ Welcome early dementia!

You can't say it isn't pretty place<3

DUCKS! I love ducks!!<3

Sweet sweet memories.


And let's finish this with spooky train's hallway during night ;P 

I hope to go back there some day! I really want to return. Such a lovely place.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Shopping day

Going to gym now for yoga and then going shopping to thrift stores as there's now all for 1 €! :) And hope to find lots of things to DIY<3

Especially searching for:

Red fleece (bought Jim cheap wintercoat and it's a bit short for him!)
Jeans (to make then golden!)
Golden belt or black belt with golden parts (to suit my new coat as it seems to miss something)
Sequin dress or skirt (to make dip dye sequin skirt!)
Wool sweater (to get wool skirt!<3)

Anything else nice I won't mind finding either<3. Sheer skirt, blazers, coats etc. Wish me good luck and great finds! :P

Friday, 16 November 2012

Jim's snack review: Apollo Premium Happies

As a pounddoggie, nobody really knows what suits Jimmy the best and what ain't so good, so we keep on trying different things to find what this picky piggy likes and dislikes.
Mommy: Happies has 12 dry beef strips. I'm disappointed that there aren't exactly said how much there is meat or sugar etc. I really want to know what I feed to my dog! Has in it D3 and E vitamins and biotin. It also lacks the daily recommended amount. Jim got 1 per day. Not too much treats for little piggy to maintain the appetite.

Jim: Those were yummy, but not yummy enough. At times I just left the treat laying on the floor as it wasn't that good. Otherwise I did quite liked those. Wouldn't mind getting more of those.

Paw of Judgement:

Not bad! 

Buggy blog

As you can see it doesn't look anymore the same as it did but it's kind of underconstruction so please be patient with it at the moment :P I'll fix it after work or during weekend! 

Thanks everyone<3

I hope you all will like new look of it, I sure do. It's more like me :) Lies, it would have been terrible mess if it were more like me :D But it's still more personalized than before!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

The perfect side split

Just a side note: How lazy am I that I keep ordering from H&M online thought I got H&M on the way home? By the way why there's no option to pick up from nearby H&M store to save up in the postage fee's? Other stores offer that!!! Revealing what I got in the next post, it just suits better there.
Xmas presents arrived<3 One box for family girls and another for me :> Not telling yet what's for me<3 Ps: Yves Rocher should pay me for constant promoting and admiring they're products. I don't mind getting your new perfume for free *wink wink* (and I don't even like perfumes but that one was just so <3 LOVE IT!)

Morning started out well. I woke up facing Jimmy but then I decided that I'll just sleep for another few minutes(I had alarm set) but that was a mistake. I wake up LATE! As usual.....
So morning started with rushing. Well okay that's fine, it's nothing new for me.
Park in the fog<3
I didn't eat breakfast as I was in such a huge rush but I had at work then pear and greek yogurth with strawberries, yummy<3. And finally when my fridge starting to be empty I had a reason to fight back lazy me and go to store. I really hate going to grocery store because I always buy max 10 things and I get done with my grocery shopping withing 45 mins(10mins picking all, rest spend standing in line OH YEY!). So I keep avoiding going to store no matter how much I want to go store simply because I don't want to wait in line. Today I kept repeating to myself: no worries today you're 4th in this line and everyone has max 5 things so you're done with this within like 10mins so in total of 20 mins!
Ofcourse NOT!
I picked a line where the salesman was a first timer and OFCOURSE he had to get confused and do lots of mistakes etc and then tadah grocery shopping took 1h... GREAT! It was honestly like monkey was put to work there. Even customers knew better what to do... Oh well enough of that.
I just love fog!<3
Food is extremly expensive by the way! Going on hunger strike soon if the prices keep rising... 120e a month spend on food per person. That's insane amount!!! To think that I don't eat even a lot and I buy mostly cheap and only necessary stuff. Milk, cucumber, tomatoes, salad dressing and lettuce and I'm good for whole week and I got at home yogurths and fruits. I guess healthy eating is just expensive...
Also do I always have to be embarrassing myself?
Seems so....
I wish I had better cam or just newer so photos would look better....
I met neighbour in hallway and discussion went like this:

Neighbour: Hi
Me: Hey
Neighbour: By the way I live here (since we have never met before and I let him in)
Me: yesh

And then I just ran away. After 5 minutes I wondered what on earth was that? I just said yesh(why yesh?) and why ON EARTH I ran away? Maybe he wanted to say something but nope for no reason I just run away...
Foggy parks near home<3

Was that enough of embarrassment and awkwardness for one day? No way...

Love it<3
On my way back home I had to slip right next to bus stop full of ppl and my slip made me do perfect side split...... I just walked away like nothing UNUSUAL happened... After awhile I was laughing my butt off because I just imagined how it might have looked like. Someone just randomly walks nearby and then suddenly does side split and then walks away like that was totally normal thing to do.
Fog makes everything so mystical<3
I should take few pictures of what I got today but I'm so lazy at the moment. So here's a post of random event and random pics with it. So incase you don't care to read atleast you can watch pictures :P That's the way I read news!
Lonely wolfie
Looks like his head is just shadow
PS: bought myself early xmas present. Well actually like 4th xmas present for myself but it's because I'm unsure if I keep them or not and one I wanted for so so long time so it's kinda ok to get it before xmas!
Me so pretty<3

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Golden Jeans

 Maybe I'm late but at the moment I feel like I really really badly need golden jeans. But since I can't find in any store suitable golden pants for me so I guess I have to DIY but that's just good news for you guys!:p

I just can imagine those to make any outfit more festive <3 and I love golden!

What you think about golden jeans? 

Monday, 12 November 2012

Phoenix - Spread your wings

Because of my hair color and vest-like cloth I seem to have like some sort of wings so I thought of phoenix.
I really love that grey vest-like cloth as it's really interesting and unique piece and those wings, god I love those<3
I also love that golden necklace that was sudden decision to buy and especially with grey that golden necklace looks great! I also had golden lipstick to match the necklace.
*Nevermind that random mess, I haven't had time nor equipment to get my shelves onto wall so some of the things just have to remain on floor till then.... New photoediting program, can't use it and bad cam :( bad combination!*
It seems I have taught someone to pose.... And that someone sure loves being in every picture's center!! :D (I just wonder why I'm not that good? :/)
Try not to laugh when someone comes to the pic to sniff his butt!!!
Who has better poses? JIM obviously.... I'm jealous :D

Constant dyeing to red with different red shades... sigh :p

Dress - Salonie
Leggings - Salonie
Wedges - Aleksi 13
Vest like - Vero Moda