As a pounddoggie, nobody really knows what suits Jimmy the best and what ain't so good, so we keep on trying different things to find what this picky piggy likes and dislikes.Mommy: Happies has 12 dry beef strips. I'm disappointed that there aren't exactly said how much there is meat or sugar etc. I really want to know what I feed to my dog! Has in it D3 and E vitamins and biotin. It also lacks the daily recommended amount. Jim got 1 per day. Not too much treats for little piggy to maintain the appetite.
Jim: Those were yummy, but not yummy enough. At times I just left the treat laying on the floor as it wasn't that good. Otherwise I did quite liked those. Wouldn't mind getting more of those.
Paw of Judgement:

Not bad!

2 kommenttia:
Wow! Such an adorable post... :) Beautiful, the pictures are really nice. Your dog is super cute. :) Take care both of you, have fun :D
From Blogger
We thank you Tanya! :D Take care aswell :)
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